First Friday Coffee - Recap

Thanks to everyone that came out to today’s first ‘First Friday’ meeting! The energy, excitement, and shared yearning for community was very moving. We can’t wait to see what manifests from everyone’s ideas and energy for this shared collective!

We’ve listed out the ideas for future meetups, locations, and people to research for the future. Also included are links to people’s creative outlets (that wanted to share!).

Keep the ideas coming and the dream alive!
- Lana & Sophie
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Future meetup ideas:

+ figure drawing
+ still life drawing
+ Nuts & Bolts meeting aka admin session
+ Rotating shared sessions (e.g. animation, Procreate)
+ Children’s book illustration meetup
+ dedicate studio time
+ floral arrangement

Location ideas:
+ Be Well 
+ Cairnwood Village (still life drawing)
+ Fine Arts building 
+ Cairnwood Garden House
+ Brewery in Glenside
+ College buildings

People to research:
+ Richard Cook
+ Barrett Smith

Upcoming events:
+ Future ‘First Fridays’ - save the dates June 3, July 1, Aug 5
+ Oct. 29th - Community of Makers retreat at The Lord’s New Church
Event calendar

Community websites & social links: (Lana) (Sophie) (Lana & Sophie)


June - First Friday Coffee - Recap - HV